Questions Ideas
Select your questions and write them down ready for your Akashic Empowerment Reading
Sit quietly, breathe and relax. Ask yourSelf internally, "what questions are beneficial for me to ask?" Look for those that feel like they "jump out" of the page or make your heart jump... pick those!

Your purpose, special skills, life lessons, soul agreements, soul family, relationship agreements, direction, authentic Self
What am I here to do and what is my purpose?
What lessons are key to this point in my life?
What do I look for to know which direction to go in?
What is my soul agreement and relationship with xxx?
Why do I experience challenges with xxx?
Why do I keep creating the same patterns with xxx?
What can I understand, shift or release to improve my relationship with xxx?
What do I need to let go of and obtain closure about a certain situation?
What is blocking me from a relationship?
How can I increase my creativity and joy?

Your Highest Self, Loved Ones messages, Ancestors, Guides, Star Beings, Teachers, Helping Teams, Soul Groups
What can I do to improve my connection to my Highest Self?
How do I know I am talking to my Highest Self?
Who is my main Guardian Guide?
Who are my Helping Teams and Soul Groups in this life?
How can I understand and recognise messages from my Guides and Teams?
Who has passed over that has a message for me?
How can I communicate with Loved Ones?
Who are my Ancestors that assist me?
What messages come from my Ancestors and how will I know?
How can I empower my Ancestors, myself, my children and grandchildren?
Who are the guides that can help me with xxx?

Significant Akashic Record past, present and potential lives, Quantum patterns, Starseed connections, Ancient life experiences
What is a significant lifetime for me that applies to this life now?
How can I utilise and bring forth skills from other lifetimes?
Why do I have these issues in this lifetime eg hereditary, environmental, past life etc
Why do I have feelings of deja vu when I go to a certain place?
How can I connect to beings and the energy of nature, flora and fauna?
What abilities do I have that are connected to ancient lifetimes?
What connection or agreements do I have with Starbeings and who are they?
How can I release dysfunctional past life cellular memories and agreements?
How can I expand my dimensional self?

Practical tools, releasing of patterns, creating abundance, clearing blocks, birthright anchors, physical experiences
What are patterns or vows are there that I can now release?
What tools can I use to change xxx?
How can I create a better financial situation?
Why do I have money issues and a lack of abundance?
How can I realise my potential and what can I do to make it happen?
How can I improve my business situation?
What is a profession that would best suit my soul purpose?
How can I earn money doing what I love?
Why do I have physical challenges with xxx and how can I clear this?
How can I clear blocks that are holding me back from xxx?
What tools do I use to maintain a sense of peace and calm for myself and others?