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These are lists of teachers, guides, information, meditations, fellow humans (and not!) who have influenced and inspired me over the years. Also check out the Blog Page on the menu for interesting information.  May you learn, have fun, connect and bring excitement to the truth of who you really are.... MAGNIFICENT! 


Akashic Teachers,
Scientists, Physicists,
Life Coaches

Crystals,Numerology, Astrology,
Electromagnetic Field Protection,
Tarot,Retail & Online

Light Language, Healers, Essences, Homeopathy, Reiki, Sound,
Yoga, Qi Gong, Bioenergetics

Spiritual Organisations

Spiritual Teachers,
Monks, Gurus,
Yogis, Saints

Self EmpowermentTeachers,
YouTube Channels,

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS:  * My dearest family for their teachings and love * My partner for his acceptance & love * All my friends and clients - it is an honour to read for them * and of course... The Record Keepers, My Masters, Teachers, Guides and Loved Ones and my own Higher Soul Self  for your unconditional Love *

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